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Creative ideas, serious technology. We make brands better

creates and implements a marketing strategy, conducts extensive market research to increase the sales and profits of a company, seeks to build relationships with your target audience, and increases overall exposure by extending reach to potential customers


Performance Benchmarking

Benchmark shopper marketing performance and prove the value against advertising and promotions. We’ll give you the tools to analyse the effectiveness of shopper marketing and enable you to discuss performance in a language that’s compatible with advertising and promotions – making comparison easy an...

Enterprise Data Management

Our data team are experts in crafting enterprise-wide management processes to handle, manage and create data-driven processes, including across supply chain, finance, consumer and internal capabilities.

Growth Strategy

Our team are experts in growth strategy, understanding how to leverage price, distribution, promotions, marketing and other investments to achieve revenue and profitability goals.

Problem Finder

Problem design for cost effectiveness solution Our strategists are experts at using data, insight and lateral thinking to identify problems in businesses and ways to mitigate, address or solve those challenges.

Strategic consulting services

Our strategic consulting services combine our deep category knowledge and experience with decisioning fuelled by AI and predictive analytics. As the volume of data generated and captured by businesses grows exponentially, it becomes harder to seperate the signal from the noise. We supercharge your ...

Promotional Planning and Forecast

Forecast with real-time scenario planning and put your data into action with industry leading software Using the very best tools, we’ll elevate how your whole team plan promotions. Whether it’s data visualisation, reviewing past performance, planning an individual promotion, or building a category l...

Promotional Spend Control

control of promotional spend and show retailers a more mutually beneficial plan. Many brands have reached a point of promotional saturation. At the same time retailers are pulling away from high-low. By building strong evidence, we can help you work with retailers to develop mutually beneficial stra...

Price Optimisation

Generate greater uplift through better promotions by understanding and optimising price and display. Using sophisticated modelling we overlay all of the characteristics and influencing factors of a promotion and accurately calculate their relative impact on sales. With this understanding we’ll explo...


Understand the effectiveness of promotions and discover how to build cannibalisation into your promotional calendar. Many brands have reached the point where 80-85%, even 90% of sales are on-deal – with all of them vying for attention, enticing consumers and stealing each other’s sales. Amongst this...

Promotion Effectiveness Calculator

Calculate the impact of influencing factors including competitor activity, retailer switching & cupboard stocking. There are many factors outside of your control impacting the effectiveness of your promotions. Our methodology will help you understand each of these factors in great detail, including ...

More Effective Promotions

More Effective Promotions

Telemarketing Campaign

We understand the reasons that may lead you to outsource your telemarketing campaigns. Whether you don't have the time, you need to outsource the skills, or you would simply prefer to pass the job on to someone else, we are here to step in and help you to achieve the business growth

Star Shopper Response planning

Learn about your star shoppers and how to encourage an even better response. Working together, we’ll identify common characteristics of your most engaged consumers and build a detailed understanding of your ideal consumer profile – working this insight into strategies to maximise shopper marketing p...

Halo Effect Calculation

Measure the lasting impact of shopper marketing and calculate the halo effect across the brand portfolio. Shopper marketing engages consumers and builds brand affinity – influencing sales long after activities have finished. And, despite campaigns focussing on just one or two products, shopper marke...

Product Performance Effectiveness

Identify which products respond best in which stores – and the reasons why. The impact of shopper marketing varies from store-to-store. Based on real-world data from your campaigns, we’ll help you identify which products and which stores are best suited to your activities. And, by analysing the cons...

Shopper Marketing

Understand the impact of shopper marketing and accurately calculate the effectiveness of each activity. Our tried and tested methodology isolates the impact of shopper marketing and proves its true value – revealing the performance of each individual activity, as well as the combined impact of activ...

Live Modelling

Empower your team with live modelling and maximise the impact of all advertising. Our econometric models hold the answers to any number of advertising related questions. With access to live data, your team can explore scenarios and self-serve the answers to their own specific questions – empowering ...

Marketing Mix Performance Assessment

Measure performance in real-time utilising software to aggregate data and assess the full mix of media. More consumers, more media channels, more products, more competition, more data – calculating advertising effectiveness has become more complex, and traditional static econometric modelling is no ...

Brand Effectivementss

Identify which brands and regions respond best and reveal the full picture for a group-wide view. By understanding the impact across the wider business, we can accurately calculate which brands respond best to your advertising – helping you determine, at a group-level, which products and which regio...

Scenario Simulation and Planning

Use scenario planning to optimise budgets and forecast the impact of advertising strategies. With a detailed understanding of how and why your advertising has performed – we’ll show you how econometric modelling provides the building blocks to accurately forecast the impact of your brand plans, simu...

Advertising Effectiveness

Understand the effectiveness of advertising and calculate the impact of every activity. With an increasingly complicated mix of advertising spend and many influencing factors, including competitor activity, seasonality, pricing – you need a robust methodology that isolates the impact of each influen...


Vacancy from the Miscion Limited


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21-02-2020 02:14PM

We have engaged with Gary, excellent support from a local company





