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About Us

Business Connectors Local

Business Connector marks the facilitation of close business relationships and trading opportunities through our active business network and weekly events. The value of your network is more significant than ever so join now and start connecting with hundreds of businesses within our friendly professional business circles.

All our online events are free of charge to members. Annual membership starts from £240+VAT (which can be paid monthly starting from £24+VATpm).  Join now and anyone from your business will have free access to all our online networking events which include a monthly breakfast, weekly lunchtime networking events and our popular monthly NationWider event, where we partner with another prestigious business association for the mutual benefit of our memberships. With 25-50 companies at every event, valuable connections are guaranteed!

Our highly regarded face-to-face events are held at some of the best restaurants, hotels and other venues in and around the cities and we are poised to return to these events at the earliest safe opportunity.  We will, however, continue our calendar of online events, offering the best of both networking worlds to our members and guests.

Our face to face events include:

Weekly lunch events held at London's finest venues and including a substantial hot fork buffet lunch and complimentary drinks.
Monthly Champagne breakfast kindly sponsored by Champagne Philippe Brugnon and including full hot buffet breakfast and a glass of chilled Champagne.
Evening networking events include complimentary drinks and canapes over informal networking for 50-100 companies. 


P2P Adversary Board

P2P Adversary Board


Vacancy from the Business Connectors Local





